Sometimes, women start taking contraceptives, but they are not satisfied with the pills use and its results. It is perfectly fine to visit your doctor and tell your concerns about changing contraceptive. Why do you need to change birth control ...
Birth control practices are not new in human civilization. Chronicles of Greece and Egypt showed that people had always been concerned about controlling fertility since earliest times. The need of contraception gained momentum when serious complications mounted regarding maternal reproductive ...
How does hormonal contraception lead to clots? Yes, hormonal contraceptives can raise the risk of blood clots. Generally, hormonal birth control comes in two forms. One contains both estrogen and progestin, whereas the other contains progestin solely. Estrogen has been ...
To be very realistic, the answer is yes. None of any contraceptive is 100% effective in preventing the pregnancy, and so is the pill. What are the factors that reduce the effectiveness of pill? If taken with proper care and ...
If you forgot taking your pill on-time, your next gesture depends upon following things: So, it is important to keep in mind that you are most likely to get pregnant. You may take following steps: Visit here for more detailed ...