Cystitis can happen at any stage of your life, and you can’t prevent this condition entirely all the time. However, below are some tips that you can adopt to keep your urinary tract clean and healthy enough that it would ...
If you have suspicion that the discomfort you are going through indicates “cystitis”, read this bunch of information that you can try yourself to ease your distress. The patients who have recurrent cystitis keep cystitis sachets and cranberry drinks with ...
Our urinary tract consists of kidneys, ureter, bladder, and urethra. All of them collectively work together to get rid of wastes from the body. UTI is a broader term to describe the infection which may include any structure from kidneys ...
Cystoscope is a specialized tool to screen the inside of bladder. Doctors commonly use this tool to look for cancers and ulcers. Patients with IC may be diagnosed with ulcers, which can confirm the manifestation of IC if its other ...
It is also called painful bladder syndrome because it is characterized by multiple complaints of pelvic pain and problems in urination. What is interstitial cystitis? This is a chronic condition which most commonly hits women and affects their quality of ...
During menopause, normal count of natural bacteria in vagina is also altered that allows harmful bacteria get into the urinary tract and infect bladder. References Everything you need to know about cystitis Cystitis treatment HSE Cystitis Overview (NHS UK) Cystitis: ...
Most commonly, harmless bacteria living in our body like those of skin and bowel can infect urinary tract and cause cystitis. Escherichia Coli abundantly present in your bowel can sometimes attack urinary system and enters the bladder. Most of the ...